Podcast: Microbial Secret Society

41 posts

Microbes live all around and within us. Are you part of their occult society? This podcast focuses on the esoteric domain of these invisible cultures. We investigate the rites and rituals to come into balance with the microbe’s secret society. With this knowledge we can regenerate the world around us. Initiate yourself into the esoteric realms of Life. Explore the grand unifying factors of life.

The first half of the show is free. The second half is only available for members of the microbial secret society.

#35 Nate Brown – Farming With Brown Sugar, Woke Children & Hope

Join Nate of Brown Sugar Farm in Sacramento California. We go into Nate’s farming journey -How he got started -One straw revolution parallels letting my family backyard orchard die in drought -talk on working with kids -agroforestry -farming while black -what kind of IMO box is best? Could there be better kind for different areas? -how to overcome obstacles of knf in urban setting… listen to episode →

#34 Felix Gobeil: Unveiling the University Deception, Agronomy & Having a Heart

Felix Gobeil has recently graduated in Agronomy from Quebec University and talks about the deception and old school “dead soil” approach that the professors take to growing living plants and giving advice to farmers. This eye opening episode to the state of farming education is an alarm for all of us to take heed on. If the knowledge from the top will not acknowledge… listen to episode →